How Do I Set Up Conversion Tracking in Google Ads?

Conversion tracking in Google Ads is a vital tool to help you understand how well your ads are driving actions on your website. Whether you want to track purchases, sign-ups, or form submissions, conversion tracking allows you to measure the success of your campaigns. In this blog, we’ll walk you through the steps to set up conversion tracking in Google Ads and help you get the most out of your paid ads.

Step 1: Sign In to Google Ads

The first step is to log in to your Google Ads account. If you don’t already have an account, you’ll need to create one. Once you’re logged in, go to the top right corner and click on the Tools and Settings icon (the wrench symbol).

Step 2: Access Conversion Tracking Settings

Once you’re in the Tools and Settings section, under the Measurement tab, select Conversions. This is where you’ll set up and manage all your conversion actions.

Step 3: Create a New Conversion Action

Click on + New Conversion Action. You’ll then be asked to select the type of conversion you want to track. Google Ads provides multiple options, including:

  • Website: Track specific actions on your website, such as purchases, form submissions, or newsletter sign-ups.
  • App: Track app installs or in-app actions.
  • Phone Calls: Track calls made from your ads or calls initiated by clicking on your business phone number on your website.
  • Import: If you’re using external tracking systems or CRM tools, you can import conversions from those platforms.

If you want to track website actions, choose Website and click Continue.

Step 4: Set Up Conversion Details

After selecting Website, you’ll need to enter specific details about the conversion you’re tracking. Here’s what you need to fill out:

  • Category: Choose a category that best describes the action you’re tracking (e.g., purchase, lead, or sign-up).
  • Name: Give your conversion action a name that helps you identify it easily (e.g., “Contact Form Submission” or “Product Purchase”).
  • Value: You can assign a fixed value to your conversions (e.g., $50 per sale) or leave it dynamic to assign different values for different actions.
  • Count: Choose whether you want to count every conversion or just one per click. For purchases, it’s usually best to track every conversion.
  • Click-through Conversion Window: Set how long after a click you want to track conversions (up to 90 days).
  • Include in Conversions: Decide if you want the conversion action to be included in your main conversion reporting. We recommend checking this box for better insights.

Step 5: Install the Conversion Tracking Tag

After configuring your conversion settings, Google Ads will provide a tracking tag (a piece of code). There are several ways to install it:

  • Install the Tag Yourself: If you manage your website, you can copy and paste the code into your website’s HTML or into the footer of the page you want to track (e.g., the “Thank You” page).
  • Use Google Tag Manager: If you use Google Tag Manager, follow the prompts to install the tag via this tool.
  • Email the Tag: If you’re working with a web developer, you can email them the tag for installation.

Step 6: Verify the Tag Installation

Once the tag is installed, it’s time to verify that it’s firing correctly. Google Ads offers a Tag Assistant tool to help ensure the tag is working. It may take a few hours for conversions to start showing up in your Google Ads account.

Step 7: Monitor and Optimize Your Conversions

Now that you’ve set up conversion tracking, it’s important to monitor it regularly. By analyzing your conversion data, you can optimize your campaigns for better results. If you’re looking for a way to fine-tune your Google Ads campaigns, services like Paid Ads can help you get the most out of your advertising budget.

Additionally, by improving your SEO strategy, you can complement your paid ads with organic search results, boosting your website’s overall performance.


Setting up conversion tracking in Google Ads is a powerful way to measure the success of your campaigns and understand your customers’ actions. Whether you’re tracking leads, purchases, or other key actions, conversion tracking allows you to optimize your Google Ads campaigns effectively. To take your tracking and campaign performance to the next level, consider working with experts in Website Development, SEO, and Paid Ads.

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